We finished another song this week: “All Day Dreamer” by Vaquero. It will be on all the major streaming service on December 24!
For those who aren’t familiar with Vaquero, it was a band that Chetes formed after the breakup of Zurdok. They were active for a few years in the “early aughts” (2004 – 2006). Vaquero put out a self-titled record in 2005 which featured power-pop/indie-rock songs with English lyrics. All Day Dreamer is from that record, and is, as you may have guessed, the inspiration for the name of our band. So, we thought we should cover it, even though it was already in English.
We are still working hard on the rest of the songs on our 7-song EP of Chetes covers. We are on track to release the EP in a few months, probably March 2022.
As always, we are humbled by the support from Chetes on this project, and from his fans who have discovered our versions of his music. Thank you so much, it means the world to us!!!